We hope this 10-week journey aids you in finding solace and a sense of unity in these trying times. We’re able to offer this email series free of charge because of generous supporters, alums, and friends of Meadville Lombard who believe in the power of shared ministry and want to see more people connected in faith and hope.
In these uncertain times, the combined wisdom of many faith traditions and the spirit of unity are just as crucial as ever. Drawing from Unitarian Universalist perspectives, the series offers an opportunity for shared exploration and connection.
Would you consider donating today to help us continue to share this series with others, fostering compassion and unity in challenging times?
Here’s how your contribution can make a difference:
A gift of any amount to Meadville Lombard Theological School will help us not only to reach a wider audience with the insights of this helpful series, but also to create new helpful resources.
Please use the secure donation form below to make your gift now. Your support is invaluable in helping others find hope and connection.