April is Poetry Month! To celebrate it this year, we want to lift up the poets among our alums. Meadville Theological School, Lombard College, and Meadville Lombard Theological School, all share a rich history of poetry. As part of Poetry Month, we asked our alums to submit recordings of them reading their poetry so you can not just read their words, but hear their voices. To find more poets among our alums, go to the MLTS Library's Poetry Month page.

Rev. Dr. David Breeden, MDiv '08


The Road Always Taken

Most of us have a road
that we imagine, yes?
A road out, unforgiving.

A road away, into loss.
A road that we travel,
willingly or not; a road

that time paves; a road
that we have travelled
many times in thought.

A road out. A road away.
A road we had to travel.
A road of regret and loss.

And freedom, remember.

Rev. Dr. David Breeden

MDiv '08

Rev. Dr. David Breeden is Senior Minister at First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis. He has an MFA in poetry from the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, a Ph.D. from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi, and an MDiv from Meadville Lombard. David serves on the board of the UU Humanist Association and is chair of the Education Committee of the American Humanist Association. He regularly blogs on Humanism and freethought at https://medium.com/@davidbreeden7. David has published poetry, novels, and theology.