Dr. Kate Lassiter, Sr. Director of Lifelong Learning who leads LIGHT, talks about the importance of lifelong learning.

Rev. Tandi Rogers, who leads the Spiritual Direction Formation & Certification program at LIGHT, talks about spiritual direction: What is it, and why Spiritual Director is such an important vocation right now?

Support our faith leaders to make justice grow

The Leadership Institute for Growth, Healing, and Transformation (LIGHT) at Meadville Lombard has a special and unique mission: to nurture the whole person through lifelong theological learning, to act courageously and prudently to make justice flower in our world, and to share the profound power of community building rooted in a tradition which is not dead but alive, inhaling and exhaling with the breath of all creation and of Spirit.

We have grand visions for what LIGHT can be to people of faith walking in the way of liberation, healing, and justice but building takes resources. Your gift through a one-time or recurring donation is essential to make LIGHT's programs accessible and affordable. Thank you for your generosity.

More from Dr. Lassiter and Rev. Tandi
  • Meet Dr. Kate Lassiter: her career, her perspective on Unitarian Universalism, and her hope for Meadville Lombard
  • Rev. Tandi Rogers: her ministerial journey, spiritual direction, and her vision for the future of Unitarian Universalism