Each cohort is 16–24 people from around the world, mostly but not exclusively Unitarian Universalist. 

The formational program consists of individual and group reflection, learning and applying skills, working directly with spiritual direction clients through a practicum, and preparing to launch one’s own spiritual direction practice. 

Terms are 15 weeks long and meet in Fall (September – December) and Spring (January – May) for two years.  

At the beginning of each term, participants receive a care package of materials they will use at the term’s kick-off Saturday retreat and throughout that term. Every other week, learning materials (articles, podcasts, and videos) and reflection questions are organized via an online learning management system. Participants go through the materials at a time and pace that is convenient for them. The following week the cohort gathers virtually to practice deep listening and skills that were highlighted in the materials the week before.

  • Term One (Fall): foundation and history
  • Term Two (Spring): practices and tools
  • Term Three (Fall): practicum and common issues
  • Term Four (Spring): practicum and pre-launch 

Timeline for Term One of 2024–26 Cohort:

  • Start Date: September 2, 2024
  • All Day Virtual Retreat: Saturday, September 7, 2024
July 31, 2024 Application closes
August 12, 2024 Students notified
September 2, 2024 Virtual orientation through online learning platform
September 7, 2024 Kick-off, all-day virtual retreat
November 25–29, 2024 Thanksgiving break
December 20, 2024 Term One ends

Under the direction of Rev. Tandi Rogers, cohorts will gather virtually every other week for 2-hour sessions of deep listening, spiritual practices, and instruction and then engage asynchronously in study and reflection in alternating weeks. Terms are 15 weeks long and meet in Fall (September – December) and Spring (January – May) for two years.

Interviews with UU Spiritual Directors in the field are sprinkled throughout the program, connecting with multiple practitioners and ways of doing spiritual direction.

Students have access to the Meadville Lombard Theological School Library, which includes books, e-books, and digital archives.

Program Fee: $2800/year (September – May)

Payment plans are available. The cost does not include books or the enrollee’s personal spiritual direction. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer scholarships at this time.

Fall 2024

Application for Fall 2024 is full and closed. Click the button below and fill out the form to get notified when the application opens next time!