This worship resource kit is for religious workers who recognize the value of bringing “faith formation for all” to the center of congregational life. With an eye toward excellence in shared ministry, multicultural diversity, multiple learning styles, and the latest in faith development theory, Journeys of the Spirit has a wealth of content to help you accomplish your goals.
This kit was designed by a group of talented religious educators, ministers, and musicians, convened by the Fahs Collaborative, to create a collection of elements for Sophia Fahs Sunday celebrations. You can use the kit below as a template or pick and choose the elements you find useful in your context. With your creative wisdom, materials are adaptable for small, medium, and large congregations, and for the diversity of learning and worship styles present in your congregational culture.
Materials are suitable for all ages and a wide range of cultural traditions and learning styles.
All materials are free of charge. We only ask that you register a few details about your congregation, agree to complete an evaluation of your congregation’s experience, and consider sharing your collection plate that Sunday with the Fahs Collaborative to continue to support this type of program development.