Sophia Fahs Sunday is an invitation to develop a multigenerational culture in Unitarian Universalist congregations starting with a single worship service and expanding from there. In 2015, the Fahs Collaborative assembled two groups of talented religious educators, ministers, and musicians to create materials for multigenerational worship, music, and liturgy, and Sophia Fahs Sunday was born.
Journeys of the Spirit is designed for you to use as a template for a worship service, or to pick and choose only those elements you find useful for your setting. Here Together is a curriculum that supports leaders in learning together why shared worship is so essential, readying congregations to work toward a multigenerational community of faith.
All materials are free of charge. We only ask that you register a few details about your congregation, agree to complete an evaluation of your congregation’s experience, and consider sharing your collection plate with the Fahs Collaborative in order to support this type of program development in the future.
This worship resource kit contains everything you need in order to hold a vibrant, multigenerational worship service.
The kit includes graphics for congregational publicity, orders of service for people of all ages, music and story resources, and “taking it home” activities inspired by Fahs Research Fellow Karen Bellavance-Grace’s “Full Week Faith” project. Everything is fully adaptable for your faith community’s needs. Sophia Fahs Sunday: Journeys of the Spirit is “Worship in a Box,” and free for downloading.
This curriculum is designed to help a congregation work toward becoming a multigenerational community of faith. The curriculum format is a series of short learning videos from an array of colleagues in the field. It is especially valuable for religious education leaders and staff teams exploring the “why” of whole church worship, as well as the “who, what, when, where, and how” questions that arise when planning multigenerational experiences. These tools develop a unified understanding of the theological value of shared worship as faith formation for