All books and articles referenced, quoted, or consulted for academic writing must be properly cited. Citing sources gives credit to the person whose idea(s) are being referenced, leads readers to your sources, and helps avoid plagiarism.
Citation for secondary resources depends on the format of the item and the preferred citation style. Course instructors or publications will specify if there is a required style—typically one of the three most used, which are the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, and the Chicago Manual of Style. Consult the resources below for instructions to construct appropriate citations.
If you have any questions about citing published sources, please contact a librarian.
If you have any questions about citing items from the Meadville Lombard Archives and Special Collections, please contact the archivist.
Zotero is a citation management software that to help researchers organize, cite, and share research. It is compatible with all online digital resources offered by Meadville Lombard. If you have any questions, please contact the library.
Zotero Bib is a simplified version of Zotero designed to generate bibliographies