To locate books, use the online catalog. In the catalog, you can use keyword searches or search using information you know, like a title or author. You can then narrow your search by attributes like format, subject, or era. Click on the title of a book to get more information, including location and availability.
To find books held at the Wiggin Library only, make sure that the drop-down menu on the search page says “Meadville Lombard Catalog Only.” To include books held at other I-Share libraries, select “All I-Share Libraries” in that drop-down menu. Books’ records will note where copies can be found and users can request to borrow from a particular library or the first copy available.
If you can’t find a book you are looking for or have search questions, contact a librarian. For books not available at the Wiggin Library or through I-Share, you can make an interlibrary loan request. Read more about I-Share and interlibrary loans.