Wiggin Library eBooks are listed as “CARLI eBooks.” There are over 29,000 titles in the CARLI eBook Collection and no limit on the number of users who can use a book simultaneously.
You can find eBooks using the I-Share catalog just like print books. With the search set to “Meadville Lombard Catalog Only,” do your search as usual (you cannot borrow eBooks exclusively owned by other libraries), and from the results page, narrow your search by format from the menu on the right. Alternately, you can do an advanced search and select “Electronic” as the version. You have access to any eBooks listed as “CARLI eBooks.”
You can also search for CARLI eBooks directly from Ebook Central.
When on the Ebook Central homepage, (where you will be directed if you select an eBook from the catalog) select “Meadville Lombard Theological School” as the institution name. Request an account by clicking “Join Ebook Central.” Once a librarian has approved your request, return to Ebook Central and register a new account. You will then be able to access all CARLI eBooks.
You can access and read eBooks in a number of different ways: