
John Roberto

Board Member

John Roberto, DD ’24, is a Lifelong Faith Associates.

John Roberto has spent a lifetime working in Christian faith formation—teaching, writing, researching, consulting, and developing program resources. He founded LifelongFaith Associates, LLC in 2006 to continue his work. He served on the leadership team of Vibrant Faith Ministries from 2017-2020. John is also the founder of the Center for Ministry Development (1978) where he worked for 28 years. John has a master’s degree in religious education from Fordham University and graduate studies in sociology at Catholic University. He is married to Linda, father of three married children, and grandfather of five children. 

His latest publications include Faith Formation with a New Generation (2018), Families at the Center of Faith Formation (2016), Seasons of Adult Faith Formation (2015), Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century (2015), Generations Together (2014), and Faith Formation 2020 (2010). He was the creator and project coordinator of the Generations of Faith Project, a five-year Lilly Endowment-funded project (2001-2006) to develop intergenerational faith formation in Catholic parishes across the United States.

For a fuller Biography of Dr. John Roberto: Dr. Roberto's Biography and Contributions to Theological Education